16 Jul

Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Everything You Need to Know

Ever felt that weird pressure in your mouth, like your back teeth are trying to push their way out? It’s no fun! That dull ache or sharp pain can make it hard to focus on anything, especially when you’re trying to study, work, or even enjoy your favourite meal.

We get it! Wisdom tooth troubles are a real pain (literally). But don’t worry, this blog from Emergency Dental Clinic isn’t here to scare you. We’re here to help! We’ll break things down in simple terms, so you can easily understand

  • How can you know if you’ve developed a wisdom tooth?
  • What are the initial steps to take in this matter—try home remedies or visit a dentist right away?
  • How should you plan if you need a wisdom tooth extraction, now or later?
  • Is the process painful, expensive, and worth it?
  • Will I face any adverse consequences if I undergo surgery?
  • Is there any alternative to the surgical extraction of a wisdom tooth?

So, let’s start by resolving your doubts.

Symptoms and Causes of Wisdom Teeth Impaction

  • The clues that you’ve developed a wisdom tooth include difficulty chewing or biting. 
  • The constant pressure of an erupting wisdom tooth can also irritate your gums, leading to redness, swelling, and tenderness.  
  • And let’s not forget the general discomfort or dull ache you might feel in the back of your mouth.
  • The telltale signs can go beyond chewing trouble. Expect sore, swollen gums, jaw pain, or even radiating aches in your ears and head.
Did you know?

If you’re experiencing symptoms like difficulty chewing, gum irritation, or discomfort in the back of your mouth, bad breath (halitosis) could also be a problem.

The Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

First, we’ll numb the area around your tooth with an anesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain. Then, using special tools, the dentist will gently loosen the tooth and carefully remove it. Stitches might be used sometimes to help your gums heal faster. After that, we’ll provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.  So, while tooth extraction might sound intimidating, with our expertise and your cooperation, it can be a straightforward experience.

How long can a wisdom tooth extraction procedure take?

The duration of a wisdom tooth extraction can vary depending on the complexity of the case. Just like unlocking a door, if the tooth is straightforward (like a simple lock), it might take 30-45 minutes to remove. But if the tooth is impacted (like a jammed lock requiring extra tools or techniques), then it could take longer.

Simple Extraction (30-45 minutes per tooth): In case your wisdom tooth has erupted normally and isn’t causing any problems with surrounding bone or nerves. In this case, the dentist can easily access and remove it with minimal intervention.

Complex Extraction (Longer than simple extraction): If your wisdom tooth is impacted, meaning it’s stuck under the gum or bone, the dentist might need to use stitches or perform additional bone removal to safely extract it. This naturally takes more time.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Hacks You Might Not Know

Strategic Napping: After wisdom tooth extraction, swelling is common. Most people know about keeping their head elevated during sleep, but here’s a lesser-known tip: take short naps throughout the day with your head propped up. Use pillows to support your head and back while sitting upright in a chair.

Consider Alternative Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain medication is standard, but some people prefer a more natural approach. Talk to your dentist about whether acupressure or essential oils (diluted and used carefully) might work for you as additional pain relief options.

Gauze Magic: You’ll likely get gauze pads to control bleeding after the extraction. A helpful trick is to use a slightly moistened (not soaked) gauze pad to gently press on the extraction site for 10-15 minutes after each meal. This can help reduce post-meal bleeding, which is a common concern. Remember to replace the gauze pad often and avoid aggressive biting or chewing.

It’s NORMAL…….Don’t Worry!

A bit of bleeding: You might see some blood-tinged saliva, especially right after surgery. This is normal and should subside within a day or two.

Swelling: Your cheek might puff up like a balloon! Don’t panic, this swelling usually peaks within 2-3 days and gradually goes down.

Soreness: It’s normal to feel some pain and discomfort after the numbing wears off. But with proper care and medication, this should improve quickly.

Do’s and Don’ts After Wisdom Tooth Extraction: What to Eat and Avoid?

Soft Foods: Soups, mashed potatoes, yogurt, applesauce, smoothiesHard Foods: Nuts, seeds, chips, raw vegetables
Cool Foods: Ice cream (avoid sugary varieties), chilled yogurtHot Foods: Steaming soups, hot coffee, tea
Non-Spicy Foods: Plain pasta, steamed fishSpicy Foods: Curry, chili, salsa
Easy-to-Chew Foods: Scrambled eggs, well-cooked pastaChewy Foods: Steak, chewy candy
Liquids: Water, milk, diluted fruit juicesCarbonated Drinks: Soda, sparkling water (can dislodge blood clot)
Foods Cut into Bite-Sized Pieces: Makes chewing easierLarge Pieces of Food: Requires more chewing effort

The Truth About Wisdom Teeth: Development and Eruption Timeline

While wisdom teeth can erupt any time in your late teens or early twenties, there’s no single magic age. The development itself actually starts much earlier!

Here’s the breakdown:

Wisdom Teeth Development: These third molars typically begin forming around age 9 or 10, according to the University of Saskatchewan.

Wisdom Teeth Eruption: Once they’re fully formed, they erupt (break through the gums) between the ages of 17 and 25. However, some people might not see them emerge until their 30s, and in rare cases, they might not erupt at all.

So, if you’re in your late teens or early twenties and feeling some rumblings in the back of your mouth, it could be your wisdom teeth trying to make an entrance. But if you’re past that age range and haven’t noticed any new teeth, don’t worry – it’s perfectly normal!


Understanding and addressing wisdom tooth issues promptly is crucial for maintaining oral health and minimizing discomfort. With proper knowledge and timely intervention, you can navigate the extraction process smoothly and return to daily life pain-free. Don’t hesitate to consult your dentist for personalized guidance and care.