About Us


About Emergency-Dental-365.com

Same day appointments only for Dental Emergencies:

  • Hours of Operation: 6a.m.-10p.m.
  • Free Parking.
  • TTC access.
  • Insurance forms provided for submission by patients to their dental plan company.
  • Report given to patient for their dentist.
  • Payment method, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, debit card or cash.
  • Proven Dental Treatments.
  • Innovative Technology usage.
  • Various Amenities Available To Provide Comfort To The Patients.
  • Adjustable financing options.
  • Convenient Appointment Booking.
  • Cost-Effective Treatments.
  • Different Sedation Options.

Same Day Service

Need help today? Give us a call to book your same day appointment!

Open 7 Days a Week

Come in any day of the week for your dental emergency needs.

Dental Emergencies Only

Call us for any dental emergency daily from 6:00A.M. to 10:00P.M.

Dental Care Services
How can we help?

Bleeding after a tooth extraction is a natural part of the healing process. But how much bleeding is considered normal? Should you be concerned about every drop? And what about the discomfort—does it hurt when the extraction site bleeds? If you’ve ever felt dizzy or nauseous while managing post-extraction bleeding, you’re not alone.  In this blog, we’ll address these concerns and guide you through effective ways to manage and stop the bleeding safely. Why does bleeding happen after a tooth extraction, and is it something to worry about? When you get a tooth pulled, bleeding happens because the dentist has to remove the tooth from… Read More

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